3D game eye merging with gmindie game studios
Friday, January 22, 2010
Brian offered to have people work help with my projects if i merged. so we are
Brian offered to have people work help with my projects if i merged. so we are
Launching 5 full featured 3D games.
1. Platformer - Diggon
experience gameana 3d like never before. features colorful graphics, fun game play and eye popping 3d. jump and duck under objects as they fly at you and try to survive to make a high score
2. Top down - Chase the squinky
a 3d test. still enjoyable
3. Tunnel - 3D Worm
a fun little tunnel game. a 3d test. still enjoyable
4. Ball and Paddle - Blips in 3D
Bounce your way through 12 levels of eye popping 3d and fun upgrades and firepower
5. 3D FPS - Pubb
Simply a 3d game maker example modified to work with gameana. of coarse we changed the graphics and mega sized the maps
Get a pair of 3D glasses from ebay or get a pair for free at http://www.swell3d.com/2008/06/free-3d-glasses-from-rainbow-s.html
Coming February 02 2010
ALL 3D game projects have been completed. I'm not releasing anything until I create an intro screen for 3D game eye.
One Idea I had was a star field made of 3D glasses and then the letters 3D appearing quickly into the center of the screen.
along with the other simple project i started. i have started 3d worm.
its barely started so im still adjusting the 3d.
this is the traditional 3d. the other 3d only works with a projector
Second one isnt made by me but it is an example of a 3d cloud. the first originally was flat but now looks rounded with 3d glasses on.
Chase the squinky is a simple (and the first) game maker gameana game project featuring your character chasing a small creature trying to get away. you can shoot stuff at it too to slow it down. the creature can also hit walls spraying particles out of the screen.
Making a game maker gameana game looks very simple because one would think that you could just change the image as a single sprite when you rotate the image to get the player to walk in another direction. this doesnt work. you need to make a new frame for each direction. this means that 1 hour of game work is equal to 3 hours of game work when making a gameana game.
Also its very hard to get the perfect 3d unless you make the distance between image 1 and image 2 exactly 1/2 inch or 1/3 inch. the character sprite is not a single sprite. it is 2 sprites. one from an angle 1/3 or 1/2 inch from the other. if its more than 1/2 or 1/3 inches from the other the 3d will be cross eyed and will look terrible. you have to understand how to work with Anaglyph before you can begin to understand how a gameana game would operate.
We have already proved that images do not require to be black and white to operate as 3d images. but red and cyan are the required colors. they are the ones that make your brain see the image closer.
this isnt the first gameana game created. it is just the first game maker gameana game made. cartoon network created one of the first. http://www.swell3d.com/2008/06/cheese-quest-3d.html
this project has been started
Alright. The image above contains a cross eyed gameana image. this is a small example of 3d that can be done with game maker or other game creation software's. Traditional 3d glasses are required to see it.
Placing colors left and right depending on the direction of a character is required to make a good 3d effect when playing a game. it will look blurred without the 3d glasses. more information coming soon.
We will create the first gameana game maker game and release it for testing.
4:40pm GMT study started. An attempt at making a 3d game maker game using Anaglyph technology and Polarized 3d is in progress.
Anaglyph 3d ( gameana) this is the traditional 3d. requires traditional 3d glasses
Polarized 3d this requires a projector and polarized 3d glasses thus many will not be able to do this
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